Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Song of the Spirit

Another day spent trying to read and digest the Introduction and the first Verse from Yogananda's God Talks with Arjuna. The intrdocution is very precise interms of explaining the essense of Gita. Bhagavad Gita means song of the Spirit. Its god's own words to the human soul. The whole of Gita dwells on the divine conversation explaining the divinity in every human and how to envoke it to reach back to the source, GOD.

The richness of a civilization is refelected in the arts and literature developed during that era. By that parameter, India has been far advanced in civilization long back dating to prehistoric times before the birth of christ. Gita in its 700 verses stands as an epitome of our literature, throwing various aspects on how advanced we were long ago.

The ego in each of us, separates us every day from the spirit. Yogananda rigtly terms it as body consciousness. We think of ourselves not as soul, rather as the human body and limit ourselves to the limitation of this body. Gita explains the science called Yoga, which is the only way to liberate ourselves from this thought.

Gita emphasises on sanyasa. What is sanyasa ? We would have seen different meaning for it, is it leaving all the material possession behind and retiring to Himalayas or some deep forest to perform Thapas ? No !!! Lord Krishna explains sanyasa as liberating oneself from the ego of body consciouness and uniting through the highest step of meditation, samadhi, with the Almighty.

Once we have GOD, do we need anything more ? He would be kind enough to materialize anything for us !!! Thus Gita in a nutshell points to us that we are all made in the reflection of GOD and our ultimate aim is to find him back and unite.

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