Thursday, April 24, 2008

Meditating on Savitri

Have seen a couple of instances where mother mentions that one must try to meditate on Savitri. Since its a poem written in a different level of consciousness, we have to read it again and again without worrying too much about Literal understanding !!In the words of mother "Savitri alone is sufficient to make you climb to the highest peaks. If truly one knows how to meditate on Savitri, one will receive all the help one needs. For him who wishes to follow this path, it is a concrete help as though the Lord himself were taking you by the hand and leading you to the destined goal. And then, every question, however personal it may be, has its answer here, every difficulty finds its solution herein; indeed there is everything that is necessary for doing the Yoga."So what exactly is meditaion on a text ? I always use to wonder !!! I have spend a lot of time thinking of some of the books read or pondered over a piece of poetry or discussed in detail a movie watched.... but never understood the meaning of meditation on a text !!I am sure there should be a proper way of using Savitri in our day to day life !! The obvious one which is, as mother says read it daily irrespective of the literary meaning...

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