Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Living a Thought

An idea or thought can be manifested only in the form of words inorder to justify it completely. The process of idea occurence and explanation are two entirely different phenomenon. When does an idea occurs to some one ? No Idea comes as a sudden thunderbolt, Newton's apple discovery story though alludes us to think that great ideas are sudden burst of impulse, its really not so. Newton would have been examining the peculiar aspect of earth in some form or other for a long long time, rather for the lack of right phrase, I would say, he lived that thought. The mind as believed by the great sages and saints of the east is a reservoir of super powers unknown to the vast majority of the man kind. The phenonmenon of "Living a thought" acts as a catalyst and throws open the facts from deep inner mind into the living being, that it looks very impulsive on the face of it.

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