Monday, April 02, 2007

Ishavasayam Idham Sarvam

As a follow up of the message posted previously "Serve man still you see god in all men", its very diffcult to digest the message, that god is everywhere. As the upanishad says, "All things which are moving and not moving within this ever moving universe is veiled by god".

Sri Aurobindo uses a nice metaphor of sea and waves to explain this concept. Each wave is different from the other, but all of them are from the same sea. A wave is just a temparory state, though its looks to us as if different from the sea, its the same sea, which manisfest itself as wave. Hence a wave is no different from the sea.

Similary each of us is a wave, as each wave is different from the other in terms of height, strength etc, we are different. However we are all the manifestation of the same almighty. This explains the concept of "Ishavasyam Idham Sarvam".

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